Saturday, April 05, 2008

More Great Healing Resources.

HealingFacts About Vitamins - Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water soluble vitamin which helps to heal
wounds, keeps the immune system strong, keeps your teeth and gums healthy, it also helps
the body absorb iron and folic acid. Recent studies have shown that it plays an important role
in the antioxidant defence system, by destroying free radicals thereby reducing the risks of
degenerative diseases like cancer and slowing down cell damage and the ageing process.

How much do we need? The amount we need varies from country to country. In the US, the
RDA (recommended dietary allowance) is now set at 75mgs (milligrams) for adult women and
90mgs for men. This has been recently raised from 60mgs due to this vitamin's antioxidant
properties. In the UK the RNI (reference nutrient intake) is set at 40mgs for both men and

What happens if we don't get enough? Less serious effects of a deficiency are bleeding
gums, easy bruising and an increased risk of developing viruses. A severe deficiency can lead
to scurvy, a particularly nasty disease with symptoms like joint tenderness and swelling,
bleeding gums, loose teeth, liver spots and anaemia.

And too much? Vitamin C is relatively safe at high levels, but taking more than 2000mgs
daily may cause symptoms such as headaches, flushed faced, vomiting and diarrhoea.

Who needs extra? Smokers definitely should consider extra as smoking interferes with the way
the body uses vitamins. An extra 35mgs daily is recommended. People whose diets are low in
fresh fruit and vegetables and high in processed foods should consider supplementing.

Good sources of vitamin C - ascorbic acid include:

  • citrus fruits (oranges, lemons etc)

  • green leafy vegetables

  • berries (blackberries, strawberries, redcurrants etc)

  • tomatoes

  • green and red peppers

  • broccoli

  • sprouts

  • potatoes with skins

  • melon

To receive a free 15 page report "All About Vitamins" click (or copy and paste)

Jason Paris, personal trainer and nutritionist, runs a website with business partner Lady Marie Stubbs - author of "Ahead of the Class." Their aim through the website is to make the business of exercise and eating right more straightforward and transparent, particularly for women of 50 and over.

For more info on exercise and nutrition issues visit

Our thoughts on Astragalus CapsulesSUCK UK Sun Jar Nightlights

Visit this website for more News on...
SUCK UK Sun Jar Nightlights

Rose Hips

3. Exercise! Find a fitness center that works for you. Many fitness centers are open 24 hours a day. If not, go for a walk 15 minutes a day!
View this site for more Info on...
Rose Hips

Eco Friendly Zone

Natural breast enlargement is an exciting phenomena that many women wanting better breasts are whirling to as alternatives to breast augmentation surgery. The first rule for larger success if you want to attain real and noticeable breast enlargement is to select the right product. There are a skid of cheap, watered down herbal formulas out there right now that are a disappointing stoppage to most of their users. Make sure you know the formula you take has at slightest a resonable success rate.

There is no one natural breast enlargement formula that mechanism on all women. Think of it as a medication. Not all medications have the same property on all people, therefore the extensive variety of brands and formulas available. Every person's body is different, and their body will answer differently to herbs and natural breast enalargement formulas, and take different amounts of time to answer positively.

Ask yourself a few simple questions to determine if you fully understand the concepts that we have went over so far.
Visit this website for more Info on...
Eco Friendly Zone


Thu, 21 Feb 2008 22:44:34 EDT
For the less daring, many health food stores offer reishi capsules, tablets and extracts, and Japanese research suggests taking vitamin C along with it may enhance r eishi's medicinal effects. So, how much reishi should you take? ... Among these remedies are ginseng, astragalus, and several mushrooms that grow on trees, such as Gan...

Natural Health - Avoid a winter cold: fortify your body against cold viruses with these three tips - Natural Medicine - Brief Article

Tue, 01 Oct 2002 07:00:00 GMT
October 1, 2002 -- STAY STRONG TO STAY COLD-FREE. These experts tell you how. 1. Supplement and Eat Right. During winter months, strengthen your immune system with...

ASK DR. WEIL: Is echinacea a dangerous cold remedy (Lancaster Online)

Tue, 11 Mar 2008 14:17:51 GMT
Q. I heard recently that taking echinacea can pose a cancer risk. Is this trueA. Echinacea, a traditional herbal remedy prepared

Digestive and Bowel Health
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