Monday, December 08, 2008

Recent information on Kelp Seaweed

Sugar: Friend or Foe?

Wed, 03 Dec 2008 11:32:07 EDT
Food and Herb Sources of Fucose: kelp, Wakame seaweed, mushrooms, seeds....

Healthy NutritionTurn On to Sea Vegetables - Total Health Breakthroughs

Fri, 14 Nov 2008 17:37:03 GMT

Total Health Breakthroughs

Healthy NutritionTurn On to Sea Vegetables
Total Health Breakthroughs - Nov 14, 2008
Kelp is seaweed, algae really, that’s found in both salt and fresh water. It’s rich in all of the vital minerals like magnesium, potassium calcium, ...


Thu, 04 Dec 2008 22:28:55 EDT
Where to buy: In Hawaii, fresh seaweed and seaweed salads are sold in ordinary supermarkets. ... What to buy: The three most commonly available seaweeds are: kombu (which is kelp); wakame; nori....Once reconstituted, kelp is like thick plastic or leather—which means it is something you can really sink your teeth into (not so with wakame or nori). The taste is not strong. ... WAKAME: This is a dark green, thin, filmy type of seaweed....

Seaweed Extract Used in Japanese Skincare

Wed, 10 Sep 2008 10:27:54 EDT
The main constituent of Japanese skincare products is seaweed extract. Specific types of seaweed, however, are more effective than others.

All types of marine algae, including Canadian brown alga...

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