Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The latest Informaiton on Natural Healing

Ecozone Wash Balls NewsBee Pollen

Chlamydia psittica occurs in rare cases. People affected by Chlamydia psittica experience a flu-like illness. It is called psittacosis. It is also known as parrot fever as the organism is mostly carried by lovebirds, parakeets, and parrots. Many cats, and other animals and avian species carry this organism. Occasionally human beings may also be the carriers of Chlamydia psittica. Usually, people working with pets like birds and animals contract the Chlamydia psittica syndrome. Therefore, the most prone sections of humans are the workers employed in poultry processing plants, or pet shops and avian pet owners.

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Bee Pollen

Frozen Wheatgrass Juice - 2 Week Supply

One way that you can check if you have bad breath (if your best friend isn�t at the ready), is to lick the inside of your wrist and let it dry for a few seconds and then smell it. If there is an odor, then your breath isn�t as fresh as it should be.

If you are experiencing bad breath, or halitosis, then part of your problem might be either related to, or a direct result of acid reflux/GERD.
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Frozen Wheatgrass Juice - 2 Week Supply

Contact us if you have any questions.

Sam Champion's Just One Thing - ABC News

Thu, 28 Aug 2008 00:57:00 GMT
Solar outdoor lighting is very low-maintenance -- it lets the sun do the work for you. You don't have to worry about electricity bills and it is incredibly easy and safe to install ...

Sam Champion's Just One Thing - ABC News

Thu, 28 Aug 2008 00:57:00 GMT
Solar outdoor lighting is very low-maintenance -- it lets the sun do the work for you. You don't have to worry about electricity bills and it is incredibly easy and safe to install ...

Sunday Mirror - TO THE TEST: Green laundry cleaners

Sun, 07 Jan 2007 08:00:00 GMT
January 7, 2007 -- Bio-D washing powder, pounds 6.90 for 2kg, Spirit of Nature (0870 725 9885) THIS vegetable- and mineralbased washing powder is made in Britain....



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