Friday, September 12, 2008

Healing Info

News on Ecozone Night lightHeart Attacks

Hypertension can lead to major breakdowns of our body's systems if we do not take the right measures and the consequences are very serious: complicated heart attacks, strokes or the failure of your kidneys.
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Heart Attacks

Guarana Tablets & Powders

More Things to Consider

Choose quality vegetable oils. Avoid hydrogenated oils and fats, refined margarines and oils, animal oils and fats and shortenings. Hydrogenated oils are manufactured oils. Studies have found that they attack the arteries with a risk of heart disease, the kidneys, liver, spleen, intestine and gallbladder.
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Guarana Tablets & Powders

Skin Care

Brussel sprouts Currants Wild Rice Tamari Kidney Beans Prunes Doughnuts Olive Oil

Cabbage Dates/Figs NUTS & SEEDS All Herbs Lentils EGGS/ DAIRY Noodles Peanut Butter

Carrots Grapes Pumpkin Seeds FATS & OILS Lima Beans Almond Milk Oats Safflower Oil
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Skin Care
