Saturday, April 05, 2008

Bee Pollen Granules for nutrition

Natural SupplementsThe Atkins Diet Pros And Cons - What The Experts Don't Tell You!

No one would participate in any dieting plan without seeing the potential pros and cons of it. The Atkins diet is no exception to this and one should carefully research the Atkins diet pros and cons before proceeding with it. Atkins diet pros include rapid weight loss, improved health, reduced risk of disease and methods to maintain weight. But the most popular in the list of Atkins diet benefits is that of rapid initial weight loss, which mainly depends on a high-fat and high-protein diet that may lead to cons and may compromise a good cardiac and other organ health.

Atkins Diet Pros

Atkins diet pros are realized through the cutting down of the intake of bad carbohydrates into your body. By significantly reducing the bad carbohydrates that you introduce into your body, it will start to burn the stored fat triggered by a processed named Ketosis. In fact, initially, practically all carbohydrates will be removed from the diet?not just those found in junk food. You are basically consuming mostly fats and oils during the first phase. For most of us, eating high levels of fat is satisfying for us and causes us to lose weight faster. Don?t just eat any type of fatty food however. Limit the intake of trans-fats such as what is found in margarine and shortening. Stick to the good fats such as real butter, oils in nuts, canola oil, flax seed, and olive oil. Try to also stay away from the polyunsaturated fats other then those containing omega-3 fatty acids (like what is in fish).

Another of the Atkins diet benefits is the plan within its program to maintain the weight levels achieved. The idea behind weight maintenance is that each individual has a particular level of carbohydrate intake in which they will neither lose nor gain weight. So after the initial phase of rapid weight loss, some carbohydrates are gradually introduced back into the body in order to determine what that level of balance is.

Another of the Atkins diet pros is the prevention of diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes. In simple terms, a high-protein and high-fat diet does not convert into sugar resulting in a stabilization of the blood sugar and insulin levels within the bloodstream. Patients who are pre-diabetic can possibly avoid having to take insulin shots in the future by losing weight through the Atkins diet now.

One of the most pleasant Atkins diet benefits is the fact that you start to look better and feel better not only in your self-esteem but physically as well. Patients who had chronic acid reflux and bloating from gas report that these symptoms begin to disappear once going on the Atkins diet. This is just because you are eating healthier and you weight is going down resulting in less pressure on your gastrointestinal system.

Atkins Diet Cons

The Atkins Diet is a popular and fast way to lose a lot of weight fast ? there?re many who give positive testimonials as to how much they did lose and how much better they feel. However one should be aware of the Atkins diet pros and cons before pursuing this diet. This is why knowing the Atkins Diet pros and cons are so important! Of the Atkins diet cons, the often asked about is the danger of a high-fat and high-protein diet in relation to good cardiac and other organ health.

Affecting the proper functioning of kidneys is one of the Atkins diet cons not too often discussed. A measure of good kidney function is the level of creatinine in the bloodstream. A high creatinine level means that the kidneys are not functioning as well. It has been determined that creatinine levels increase as a person is on the Atkins diet. Recommendations indicate that creatinine levels should be below 3.0. Any creatinine levels higher than that should be managed by a physician.

There is also the risk of calcium loss that is one of the Atkins diet cons. Calcium loss can result in the weakening of the bones or what is known as Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a loss of the healthy density in the bones and the bones become brittle and break easily. If the protein intake remains high as in the Atkins diet, the calcium intake will be low. Reductions in bone loss can also be attributed to the ratio of animal to vegetable protein intake.

Another of the Atkins diet cons is the effect it has on persons suffering from gout. Gout is a form of arthritis and it is triggered by elevated levels of uric acid in the blood. The condition in the Atkins diet known as ketosis is where the body starts burning stored fat. You want to go into ketosis or else the initial fast weight loss characteristic of the Atkins diet. As Ketones increase in your system, uric acid levels also increase and this is what complicates the gout.

Another common complaint from those on the Atkins diet is constipation. This is because there is a lack of fiber in this type of diet and fiber is what you need in order to give substance to a stool for passing. You might need to take some fiber supplements to help prevent this condition. There is also the increase of the risk of heart disease because of higher cholesterol and saturated fat intake.

The Atkins Diet pros and cons should be carefully considered before determining if this is the right diet for you. It can be a very effective diet but just make sure it will not put you at unnecessary risk.

Here's to your weight-loss regime that loves you!

Damien Ng is a health enthusiast and an active sportsman. Are you interested in a revolutionized and healthy way of losing weight? If you are, you can learn more about this at

Atkins New Diet

Bee Pollen GranulesGlobal Juice Feast Day Twenty Seven!

Thu, 27 Mar 2008 20:57:41 EDT
Added to juices: MSM, bee pollen, Vitamineral Green, Spirulina, Hemp Oil, Kelp Granules....

Science News - Scientist solves secret of bee bread

Sat, 05 Nov 1988 08:00:00 GMT
November 5, 1988 -- Scientist solves secret of bee bread A microbiologist has discovered the microbial ingredients honeybees embed in the nutrient-packed pollen...

Bee Pollen: The Healing Superfood for Optimum Health - Natural

Thu, 20 Mar 2008 18:17:42 GMT


Bee Pollen: The Healing Superfood for Optimum Health
Natural, AZ - Mar 20, 2008
There have also been a number of clinical trials that have been carried out using bee pollen on cancer. You can buy bee pollen as golden colored granules. ...

Better Nutrition (1989-90) - The honeybee's gifts: pollen and propolis

Thu, 01 Feb 1990 08:00:00 GMT
February 1, 1990 -- The Honeybee's Gifts: Pollen and Propolis Nutrient-rich, anti-inflammatory and all natural, pollen and propolis win new converts. Honey is not...

News on Bee Pollen GranulesBee Propolis

Initially plastic surgery procedures were limited to facial and body reconstruction caused by accidents, trauma, illness or birth defects. As people began to see the purely cosmetic possibilities, many surgeons expanded their services to include facelifts, rhinoplasty (nose jobs), breast augmentation and liposuction.

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More Great Healing Resources.

HealingFacts About Vitamins - Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water soluble vitamin which helps to heal
wounds, keeps the immune system strong, keeps your teeth and gums healthy, it also helps
the body absorb iron and folic acid. Recent studies have shown that it plays an important role
in the antioxidant defence system, by destroying free radicals thereby reducing the risks of
degenerative diseases like cancer and slowing down cell damage and the ageing process.

How much do we need? The amount we need varies from country to country. In the US, the
RDA (recommended dietary allowance) is now set at 75mgs (milligrams) for adult women and
90mgs for men. This has been recently raised from 60mgs due to this vitamin's antioxidant
properties. In the UK the RNI (reference nutrient intake) is set at 40mgs for both men and

What happens if we don't get enough? Less serious effects of a deficiency are bleeding
gums, easy bruising and an increased risk of developing viruses. A severe deficiency can lead
to scurvy, a particularly nasty disease with symptoms like joint tenderness and swelling,
bleeding gums, loose teeth, liver spots and anaemia.

And too much? Vitamin C is relatively safe at high levels, but taking more than 2000mgs
daily may cause symptoms such as headaches, flushed faced, vomiting and diarrhoea.

Who needs extra? Smokers definitely should consider extra as smoking interferes with the way
the body uses vitamins. An extra 35mgs daily is recommended. People whose diets are low in
fresh fruit and vegetables and high in processed foods should consider supplementing.

Good sources of vitamin C - ascorbic acid include:

  • citrus fruits (oranges, lemons etc)

  • green leafy vegetables

  • berries (blackberries, strawberries, redcurrants etc)

  • tomatoes

  • green and red peppers

  • broccoli

  • sprouts

  • potatoes with skins

  • melon

To receive a free 15 page report "All About Vitamins" click (or copy and paste)

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Eco Friendly Zone

Natural breast enlargement is an exciting phenomena that many women wanting better breasts are whirling to as alternatives to breast augmentation surgery. The first rule for larger success if you want to attain real and noticeable breast enlargement is to select the right product. There are a skid of cheap, watered down herbal formulas out there right now that are a disappointing stoppage to most of their users. Make sure you know the formula you take has at slightest a resonable success rate.

There is no one natural breast enlargement formula that mechanism on all women. Think of it as a medication. Not all medications have the same property on all people, therefore the extensive variety of brands and formulas available. Every person's body is different, and their body will answer differently to herbs and natural breast enalargement formulas, and take different amounts of time to answer positively.

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Thu, 21 Feb 2008 22:44:34 EDT
For the less daring, many health food stores offer reishi capsules, tablets and extracts, and Japanese research suggests taking vitamin C along with it may enhance r eishi's medicinal effects. So, how much reishi should you take? ... Among these remedies are ginseng, astragalus, and several mushrooms that grow on trees, such as Gan...

Natural Health - Avoid a winter cold: fortify your body against cold viruses with these three tips - Natural Medicine - Brief Article

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October 1, 2002 -- STAY STRONG TO STAY COLD-FREE. These experts tell you how. 1. Supplement and Eat Right. During winter months, strengthen your immune system with...

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Tue, 11 Mar 2008 14:17:51 GMT
Q. I heard recently that taking echinacea can pose a cancer risk. Is this trueA. Echinacea, a traditional herbal remedy prepared

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