Sunday, September 07, 2008

Natural Supplements discussion

AstragalusOde to a Popsicle

Tue, 26 Aug 2008 16:43:08 EDT
... taking astragalus, drinking gallons of white tea, sleeping and pounding sugar-free popsicles....

The Essentials of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine - China.Org

Mon, 28 Jul 2008 22:26:00 GMT
Traditional Chinese pharmacology, pharmacology in the broad sense, is an important integral part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It deals with the origin, collection ...

Journal of Essential Oil Research: JEOR - Chemical Constituents of the Essential Oil from Astragalus microcephalus Willd.

Sun, 01 Jan 2006 08:00:00 GMT
January 1, 2006 -- Abstract The hydrodistilled oil from the aerial parts of Astragalus microcephalis Willd. was analyzed via a combination of GC and GC/MS. The major...

AstragalusWhat Are the Best Foods to Eat While Dieting?

Well, for anyone who has read my articles, you will know that I will say without a shadow of a doubt that the answer to the question above will be to eat what comprises of the Mucus-less diet.

If you ask, well what is that? It is a diet that consists of Fruits, Leafy and Root vegetables in their raw of properly cooked states.

Now, It's been said and it remains a cosmic law known all over the world, in every tribe, culture and tradition.

"You are what you eat"

Nothing says it as direct as that quote and in regards to best foods to eat for dieting, it is very true.

These days, several so called quick weight loss programs try to sell the naive, yet desperate masses seeking to lose weight on using so-called diets and supplements with the empty promises of a lasting and effective weight loss.

It turns my stomach every time some new pill or diet is hyped up as THE answer to losing weight when the truth is ?Whatever is not built on a proper foundation will eventually crumble!??and this is very much related to dieting to lose weight.

Most fitness experts and bodybuilders atrophy and wear down prematurely as sooner or later, these muscles 'blown up' with unnatural substances have a tendency to pretty much deflate.

Taking these factors into consideration, suffice it to say that the best
best foods to eat for dieting then will be what most naturally will nourish, build and at the same time cleanse the body of excess toxins and debris.

Furthermore, it really should come as no surprise that these are the same items that constitute what is known as a near panacea for many a human ailment and besides, it?s what several people in so-called third world countries do eat and statistics do back up the fact that in such places, there are little or no incidents of obesity, high-blood pressure, diabetes and other ailments associated with our standard American diet.

Therefore my friend, in closing, forget the oft times confusing and downright misleading diets and recipes out there promising a loss of weight.

For the best foods to eat for dieting, it is time to simply go back to the basics.

To improving and improved health


Foras Aje is an independent researcher and co-founder of BodyHealthSoul LLC. Stop by His Healthy Solutions for Weight Loss Blog today for more information on dieting good foods to eat

Topics on AstragalusDiarrhea

The following simple recipe will be found to stimulate most common conditions of constipation.
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Superfoods: K - Q
Rooibos Tea

Holistic Info

SUCK Glow JarPreparing For Your Cruise : Documentations - Health Precautions and What To Pack

Here are some important tips on to look out for before your actual cruise trip.

Passports and Visas

A valid passport is required for your cruise trip. Remember, if you do not have one, you should make arrangements to apply at least a month before your departure.

Travel documents

Three weeks before your departure date, check that you have the following:

  1. Cruise ticket
  2. Airline ticket
  3. Luggage tags
  4. Immigration form
  5. Shore tours information
  6. Cruise itinerary
Also make sure you know your cabin number, cruise ship name and the ocean code that you will be cruising. In case your friends or relatives need to be contact you, make sure they have the phone number of the cruise ships.

Travel Insurance

You can choose either a comprehensive policy or a supplementary health insurance package. Most people will tend to opt for the former as it offers monetary protection against things like trip cancellation, postponed departure, medical needs, lost baggage and personal accident.


This is usually not required by the cruise ships. However, it is recommended you get yourself an immunization jab to to prevent infection against any deadly diseases. This adds as a form of health precaution if you are traveling to more primitive destinations.


Some people may feel dizzy and nauseous while on board the cruise ship. You can either prepare for yourself a acupressure wrist band, Meclinzine tablets, Dramamine pills or wear a Scopolamine patch behind of your ear.


You should only pack what you need and nothing more. This can usually be fitted into one or two suitcases for a one week or more cruise. Prepare your casual day time wear as well what you think you need for your formal evenings like tuxedo or evening gowns. one tip I can offer you is to mix and match with some accessories to enhance your travel wardrobe. Don't forget to bring your footwear like shoes and scandals long.

Jerrick Foo is an avid cruiser. Visit his website at, offers cruise ships reviews and cheap cruise deals. Find Caribbean cruise ships and other cruise planning information here.

News on SUCK Glow JarBarley Grass

Thermal destruction of most organic compounds occurs between 590�F and 650�F. However, most hazardous waste incinerators are operated at 1400�F. The time for which the pollutants stay in the incinerator is called residence time. The higher the residence time, the lower the temperature can be for the combustion chamber.
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Barley Grass


There is health and then there is good health. Most people are lucky enough to enjoy basic health, but they don�t spring for the bonus of good health. By �good health� I mean more than the ability to walk from couch to fridge, but having the energy, strength and endurance to really �go the distance�. I�m convinced that if people could experience how it feels to own a finely tuned body, they would value it and invest more to maintain it. It�s much like test driving the Porsche, and driving home in the Pinto. This is also a no-brainer. This is unfortunate, because unless you invest in yourself, you will never drive the Porsche version of your body.
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Ecozone Magno Fuel - Save Petrol!

The best way to remove this temptation is to make your home a 'treat-free' zone. A bit like smokers trying to kick the habit remove all cigarettes. This way if you feel tempted the cupboard will only be full of good things so you shouldn't come to much harm if you give in and eat something. If this sounds a bit too drastic to do all at once, you could try banishing all the treats to the back of the most inaccessible cupboard in the kitchen. This way if you're tempted you might be put off by the effort needed, or if you're not, at least you'll burn off a few calories climbing on to the chair and emptying the cupboard to reach your crisps!

That's OK as far as your own home is concerned, but you have to go out sometime, and the world is full of temptation. Shops, supermarkets, even your friends homes, are a minefield. Chocolates, crisps, fizzy drinks at every turn. Unfortunately there's no magic solution to this, it's down to you. You just have to be strong. Make a shopping list before you set off and stick to it. Eat before you go shopping. Tell your friends you're on a diet, if they're true friends they'll respect this and help you.
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Ecozone Magno Fuel - Save Petrol!

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